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Challenges in the distribution of sanitary pads to schools

As an organization, we have made significant progress in filling the gap to adequate menstrual hygiene for school girls in our coverage area. The organization has distributed more than 100,000 packets of sanitary pads, among other items, to these girls with bright futures. However, this distribution has not been smooth. We have encountered enormous challenges considering the vast quantities required to supply these sanitary pads sustainably throughout the year. Inadequate finances remain the main challenge that we face in attempting to solve the problem of 'period poverty.' The organization has relied majorly on member subscriptions and donations from well-wishers to accomplish most of these tasks, but these finances remain inadequate to reach all the targeted girls.

We are exploring partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations to mobilize more resources towards this noble course. We have identified private organizations such as Safaricom's Ndoto Zetu program that focuses on financing community projects to raise the socio-economic status of different communities in Kenya. We continue to explore organizations whose corporate social responsibility focuses on creating positive change, especially student mentorship and education.

Moreover, we continue to urge more well-wishers to join us in creating positive impacts in this community and put a smile on the student's faces. The donations can extend beyond finances to include supplies of sanitary pads and other menstrual hygiene products. We believe that we can achieve this objective with unity. Further, we appreciate our donors who have continued to sacrifice their resources to help us achieve our goals and increase our reach from less than 500 girls in 2019 to more than 2000 girls in 2021. Some of these donations have focused on improving the students' physical and psychological well-being through sports by supplying sports equipment.

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